Vectura nr | 147733 |
EPD nr | 50066741 |
Emballasje | Glassflasker |
Antall | 24 |

ACE Pinapple Craft Cider
Første ananas cider som utviklet i verden. God og søt på smak. God mix og forfriskende.
ACE Pinapple Craft Cider er Inspirert av the House of Family sitt årlige besøk til de vakre hawaiiske øyene. Denne ananascideren er en ideell drink for tropisk varme og fuktig klima. Produsentens signaturdrikk Hawaii 5-0 er en blanding av Ace ananas cider, kokos, rom, is og en garnityr av fersk ananas. Denne originale cideren er perfekt til BBQ og bacon retter.
California Cider Company is the first family owned cider in the US. We have been making ACE ciders since 1993 in the beautiful Sebastopol area of Sonoma County California just north of San Francisco. We are located among some of the world’s most renowned wine makers and apple orchards.
It’s time to try something new and exciting. Cider is lower calorie and gluten free in comparison to other alcoholic beverages. Ace ciders are a refreshing alternative to beer and wine. No sugar is added to our beverages, the only sugar occurs naturally from fresh fruit, making our ciders crisp in taste and flavor. Our award winning ACE ciders are pure, clean and refreshing because we use only the best eating apples for our juice and the best ingredients we can buy. We use champagne yeast in all of our cider and ferment them 10 -14 days. We then cold – filter 4 times and add the perfect amount of spritz to quench your thirst
We guarantee you will notice the care and quality we take to produce every bottle. That’s what makes us ACES!