Vectura ID | 157551 |
EPD ID | 5730809 |
Packaging | Glassflaske |
Quantity | 12 |

Crabbies Ginger Rhubarb
Crabbie’s er hva de i England kaller en Ginger Beer. Rhubarb er en frisk, sprudlende drikk med rabarbrasmak og et hint av ingefær. Man benytter frisk ingefær under de 8 uker det tar med lagring. Serveres i hovedsak over is i et pint glass. Crabbie’s er No.1 Ginger Beer med alkohol i England.
It takes taste and imagination to create a drink so delicious that it stands the test of time. The roots of the distinctive Crabbie’s Alcoholic Ginger Beer stretch all the way back to 1801. John Crabbie capitalized on the nearby port of Leith, Edinburgh, providing him access to ingredients from many nations. He sourced the finest ginger and exotic spices; starting a legacy that would last for generations to come.