Vectura nr | 158602 |
EPD nr | 5827365 |
Emballasje | Boks |
Antall | 24 |

O'Haras Irish Stout Nitro
Type: Micro/craft øl, Stout / Øl, Stout
Produsent: Carlow Brewing Company Ltd.
You’ll recognise the same great flavours of O’Hara’s Irish Stout with trademark robust roast flavour complemented by a full-bodied and smooth mouth feel. O’Hara’s Irish Stout Nitro is available in 440ml Cans due to widget technology allows you to experience the same brilliant cascading effect and smooth creamy head as a draught pour.
More info: https://www.carlowbrewing.com/our-beers/oharas-irish-stout-nitro/
Det uavhengige irske bryggeriet ble grunnlagt av familien O’Haras i 1996.
Bryggeriet ligger i sør-øst Irland i The Barrow Valley-regionen. O`Haras blir omtalt som pionerer innenfor den irske mikrobryggingen.
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