Vectura nr | 138637 |
EPD nr | 4324240 |
Antall | 24 |

Harviestoun Old Engine Oil
Legend has it that Old Engine Oil was dedicated to our Head Brewer’s love of classic cars. But it’s the thick, dark, chocolatey viscosity that reveals the real inspiration behind the name. We use loads of roasted malt to give it a rich black colour and add plenty of oats to smooth out the tannins and give it a creamy mouthfeel. No aroma hops here, just Galena, East Kent Goldings and Fuggles for bittering. It’s just the job for anyone who appreciates beautifully engineered stuff that used to be made properly. So undo the top button of your pressed pits overalls, ease into the wingback and roll out a rare taste of a truly great British beer. Welcome to our Owners’ Club.
I over 30 år har Harviestoun Brewery brygget håndlaget øl i bryggeriet i Skottland. Bryggeriet er eid av Donald Macdonald, Sandy Orr og Toby Knowles.
De er svært opptatt av god kvalitet, derfor brygger de ølet sitt selv, i sine egne lokaler. Det var i oktober 1983 ideen om Harviestoun Brewery ble født. Det var da hjemmebrygger og ølelsker Ken Brooker inviterte venner og familie til ølsmaking for første gang. I 1986 overtok Ken Brooker en nedlagt låve, der han startet Harviestoun Brewery.